Emily Witt related in a New York magazine “Intelligencer” article that publishers have
started referring to Young Adult (YA) literature as New Adult (NA) literature.
Per the American Library Association (ALA), a young adult is someone
between the ages of 12 and 18-years-old. But is content that is “appropriate”
for 18-year-olds “appropriate” for 12-year-olds?
Let’s look at Lauren
Myracle’s ttyl. Here’s Amazon’s plot
summary of the YA\NA book:
funny, smart novel follows the friendship of three 16 year old girls [Angela
Silver Madigan, "Maddie" Kinnick , and Zoe Barrettas] they experience
some of the typical pitfalls of adolescence: boys, queen-bee types, a flirty
teacher, beer, crazy parents, and more. Lauren Myracle has a gift for dialogue
and characterization, and the girls emerge as three distinctive and likable
personalities through their Internet correspondence. This light, fast-paced
read is told Entirely in instant message format, the first book ever for young
adults to be written so.
Here are some content that I found
surprising and wrote about in this “runaway” best-selling book written for teens:
Margaret, Angela’s high school friend,
knows how to squirt.
Margaret desperately wants to have a relationship with a
bohemian Georgia State University (GSU) student, but she didn’t realize
that 15-year-old Angela had a crush on the collegian as well.
It excited Angela to
fantasize about her classmate's "summer sausage" while she did
her homework.
15-year-old Maddie danced
topless on a table at a GSU frat party as camera phones snapped away.
And in terms of the teacher/student relationship, Zoe was initially
attracted to Mr. H, her English teacher, because, "... he's NICE. cuz
he treated me like i was a person instead of a kid. that what was so great - we were
just ppl having a discussion." Zoe and her teacher went out several times, but when
Mr. H invited Zoe to join him in the hot tube wearing a pair of Speedos,
he "paralyzed" her and she ended the relationship.
Apparently, some parents
didn’t think that ttyl was
“appropriate” for 12-year-olds, because the book is on the American Library
Association's list of books parents want banned.
But what is appropriate for
YA\NA “literature”?